Sunday, January 1, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR All Over The World From 'The Only Jaiden'!!

On behalf of my fashion blog, I, JAIDEN the Model, wanted to wish everyone all over the world a Happy New Year! May you be prosperous in every single way, for 2012 IS YOUR YEAR OF GREAT OPPORTUNITY! I heard this great motto from my church, , and I want to pass it along to you!!

Get ready for a FASHIONABLE year!!Get ready for this blog to go to the next level! It was never my intention for this blog to be a BUSINESS, I just simply did what I love and that's to blog about fashion, and now I have TENS OF THOUSANDS of visitors every month!

I also want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR in several different languages:

Chinese: xin nian kuai le / xin nian hao
French: bonne année
German: prost Neujahr
Italian: felice anno nuovo, buon anno
Spanish: feliz año nuevo

Pic: Google