Tuesday, February 8, 2011

SEXY Halle Berry On Front Cover Of "EBONY" Magazine (March 2011)

Halle Berry has a lot to talk about in EBONY Magazine's March 2011 issue. She talks about her daughter Nahla being "black," her career, how she keeps that GORGEOUS body up, and more!! See her INTERVIEW EXCERPTS from EBONY Magazine:

On Nahla
“I feel like she’s black. I’m black and I’m her mother and I believe in the one-drop theory. I’m not going to put a label on it. I had to decide for myself and that’s what she’s going to have to decide – how she identifies herself in the world. And I think, largely, that will be based on how the world identifies her. That’s how I identified myself. But I feel like she’s black.”
On dating outside her race
“Well, first thing I want to say is that I’m very connected to my community and I want black people to know that I haven’t abandoned them because I’ve had a child with a man outside of my race and I’m dating someone now outside of my race who is Spanish and French. I have never been more clear about who I am as a black woman. The people I have dated sort of hold up a mirror to me and help me realize more of who I really am.”

Man, she said it. And it's sure perfect words for Black History Month *LoL*
And boyyyy is she ONE SEXY... Forgive me, Lord...

Halle, put them cherries down and stop playin' with me...

Halle Berry and daughter Nahla

Source: YBF