Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Suave CRISTIANO RONALDO In Head-to-Toe Gucci

Soccer star CRISTIANO RONALDO was looking on-point today, very sharp, and you can't tell me any different. If it's any different, it would be better adjectives than I have. He was spotted in the area of David Letterman's "LATE SHOW" dressed in Gucci, his favorite label.

The brown bomber leather jacket, by Gucci, is for $3,775. The belt is quite popular along fashionistas, celebs, and just anybody who wants to cop one. It's for $295. Last but not least is the crocodile trim Gucci sneakers for $675. I posted about these sneakers a couple of weeks ago.

This is a very nice look on Cristiano. I mean, I knew he was cool like that... but I ain't never seen him in this way. He's like David Beckham in a way... but in all his own ISH.

Those who criticized...wouldn't know style if it hit them in the nose.
Sure, it may be one too many Gucci items, but I can tell you that there's nothin' wrong with the pieces.

Pic: UpscaleHype