Saturday, January 15, 2011

Is USHER Alright? He has seemed a little 'off' recently...

I just thought I'd chime in on what people were talking about for a minute -- USHER. Now, of course Usher is always the subject of some woman's conversation somewhere in the world at any point of time, but this one wasn't about anything good. Check out Usher's recent performance at a concert in Berlin. He wasn't entirely into his own performance:

Close circles to Usher and fans have noticed that during his recent live performances, he has been lackluster in appearance, noticeably thinner, and sultry voice a little more on the tepid side. Of course it's great to lose weight, but it becomes a bit of a problem when a person that loses weight is ALREADY slim and in shape. I don't know what's going on, but I do hope for the best.