Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Crazy-Fashionable NICKI MINAJ & Crew Gets in Trouble w/ Buckingham Palace!

As Nicki Minaj continues her promo before her "Pink Friday" tour and doing promos in London (before heading back to NYC for an SNL performance, she apparently got into a lil' trouble with Buckingham Palace because she and her crew wanted to get a picture by the palace, and the Buckingham police wasn't having that mess.. especially when the NICKI-VAN stopped near the middle of the road!!

But hey, she calmly complied, colors and all (she sure looked fashionable with the jacket and Rihanna "Rated R" pants, and LOLLIPOP shoes *LoL*), as she stepped back into her NICKI-VAN as her London press trip was drawing near to a close. Check out more pics of our "Right Thru Me" rapper having fun in the UK.

WERK IT- WERK IT Nicki... just don't get locked up. The UK ain't playing...