Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The wedding of Hugh Hefner and Crystal Harris has been called off just five days before the wedding date this Saturday, June 18. Though Harris' music manager claims that the split was "amicable", Hef tweeted "The wedding is off, Crystal has had a change of heart."

The breakup that happened out of mid-air took place supposedly at the Playboy Mansion with an explosive argument over the phone between the two. Since she's an aspiring singer, gossip has linked her to Dr. Phil McGraw's son Jordan who is a record producer. After that, Crystal Harris packed her bags, left the mansion, and is currently staying with a friend. Crystal has also tweeted, "After much deep reflection and thought I have decided to end my engagement with Hef. I have the utmost respect for Hef and wish him the best going forward. I hope the media will give each of us the privacy we deserve during this time."

Though no one exactly knows the details of what the argument was about, one thing for certain is that it would've been Hugh Hefner's 3rd marriage at the age of 85, while Crystal Harris' 1st marriage at the age of 25. This marriage didn't seem like it would work out in the first place, but it's best that the wedding is called off before they realized the mistake they made while officially married. Wonder what The Girls Next Door think about the situation...