Monday, December 20, 2010

JOHNNY DEPP Always Keeps It Cool & In Depth With His Attire

Johnny Depp: A Dolphin's Life For Me

Johnny Depp always seem to have this interesting look about his attire. Sure, to many, it may look "regular," but for a fashionista like me, we see MORE. For an actor of Depp's magnitude, he always keeps his attire "below" was he is. Meaning there's humbleness and never the obvious of haute couture or expensive jewelry.

That speaks volumes for many of us who don't come even close to the amount of money that Depp makes, but some of us wear astronomically priced clothes while trying to get the bills paid. SMH Anyway take a look at his style as of late...

johnny depp dolphins life 07
johnny depp dolphins life 14

The raggedy look, doesn't look good on me,'s still kinda cool...